Jalandhar-Manvir Singh Walia
Members of Rotary Club Jalandhar West organized two talks on vital points as given below for the benefits of school children of Govt. Girls Secondary school at Gandhi Camp on 09 May 2024.
1. Talk on Health & Hygiene for children during extreme hot weather conditions by Rtn. Dr. S.P.S Grover- PDG.
2. Talk on Financial planning for Healthy up keep of one’s own health amongst children by Rtn. Chetan Kapoor, a certified personal Financial Planner & its health management.
At the onset of this meeting Dr. S.P.S Grover PDG and director New Ruby Hospital pvt ltd Jalandhar briefed the children about maintaining the absolute clean, Hygienic way of daily eatery habits by maintaining proper hand washing in 7 steps, which otherwise tend to lead to various infectious ailments of the stomach. Children should resort to developing habit of healthy & clean eating in order to lead a healthy & happy life at the home & school premises.
These narrations were supported through various multimedia presentations/ relevant examples worthy of emulating the topic. He also laid stress upon the point of judicious management of available resources of water to the best its utility through judicious management.
Rtn. Chetan Kapoor emphasized on the point of conservation of the available resources to its maximum utility by quoting a glaring analogues example of managing the available quantity to water at the planet Mars, which does not have any water resource available on this planet.
He eulogized the examples of learning to live on The MARS & manage bottled water made available on the planet, as restricted quantity & to plan to survive on that planet though judicious planning for the living though well planned intake of bottled water to sustain though the troubled waters for the sustenance on this planet.
The school Principal – Ms. Kumud Sharma and her school staff/ teacher were very supportive in managing the arrangements for these two very useful talks for the overall benefits of the school student.
Rtn. P.S Bindra – President also lauded the role of two of these useful talks for the ultimate benefits of the students.
The attending Rotarians members of Rotary Club Jalandhar West were: –
Dr. S.P.S Grover- PDG, P.S Bindra-President, Er. Kuldip Singh- Past President and Rtn Chetan kapoor
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