Dementia- should be diagnosed early- Dr. S.P.S Grover

Meeting of the Mile Stones Club Jalandhar was held on 27/12/2023 at a local hotel where Dr. S. P. S Grover of New Ruby Hospital delivered a talk on the subject of dementia he told that- Dementia is defined as a group of thinking & social symptoms that interfere with daily life.
Two main components
1. Memory loss
2. Judgement
It is of 3 types:
1. Alzheimer deficiency 50-60%
2. Vascular 15-30%
3. Nutritional deficiency 10%
It usually occurs after the age of 65, family history is important early diagnosis helps in treatment of symptoms. It has 10 components.
1.Memory loss that disturbers daily life. 2. Challenges in planning & solving problems. 3. Difficulty in recognizing family problems 4. Confusion with time & place 5. Trouble understanding spacial images & spatial drawings 6. New problem with words in speaking or writing 7. Misplacing things & losing ability to retrace steps 8. Decreased or poor judgement 9. Withdrawal from work or social activities10. Change in mood & personality.
Diagnosis is mainly clinical & no investigations like CT Scan or MRI usually helps
It is a Neuro cognitive disease & early signs are in the eyes. Patient has trouble understanding visual images & spatial relationship. Sudden worsening of disease symptoms could be due to delirium stroke or stress
Alcohol relation to dementia
Excess of alcohol leads to development of dementia & patients of dementia should not drink alcohol.
21st & 28th September is celebrated all over the world dementia awareness week.
7 stages of Alzheimer
1.Pre dementia no cognitive impairment. Satisfactory result in memory language & problem solving. 2. Age associated memory impairment (mild) patient forgets location of objects or function once few hours ago. 3. Clear cognitive problems like- difficulty in findings words – forgetting the name so friends, family members. (A) Poor performance at work (B) Anxiety in social & work gathering 4. Mild dementia socially withdrawn it usually last for 2 years 5. Moderate dementia forgetting even familiar faces of friends & family it usually last for 1 ½ years 6. Moderately severe dementia when behaviour disorder is advanced. & in continence of bladder & bowel. It usually lasts for 2 ½ years. 7.Severe dementia when person becomes totally bedridden.
No cure exist, medication & management strategies help to manage the symptoms.
Very little chance but following measures help like
Exercise, Eating right, remain socially & mentally alert, Promote your brain reserves, Exercises, Increase in muscle mass, Diet rich in nuts, Olive, Fish, whole grain, Dark chocolate or glass of red wine, Avoid trans fats, Omega 3 fatty acids are useful, Mental stimulation- helps to delay dementia, Adequate sleep 8 hours per day. Manage stress effectively.

The following members were present:
Surjit Arora, S.P Sethi, Rakesh Jhanji, Dr. MS Bhutani, Dr. Amarjit Singh, Dr. Raman Chawla, Dr. Chiman, Dr. Parhar, mr arvind Abrol,sunneel dhawan,Atul sood,Mr SP Singh